Tuesday, July 6, 2010

1st real post

How I thought of this blog is when I heard one of my new favorite new artists "Kaki King" say that she wanted to be a musician's musician because those are the people that will remember you and your music and I find that so true. I remember the people that touched me musically and impressed me musically whether it be from amazing instrumental skill (mainly amazing drummers for me) or someone who is just utterly passionate of what he/she is playing. So this first real blog goes out to Kaki King and her amazing music. How I got to know about Kaki King was when one of my good friends "Stebs" needed music for a filming project he had. He said he wanted music that had a Kaki King vibe but less acoustic so I said no problem even though I had never heard of Kaki King. So after that email I went straight to research and fell in love with this song "Can Anyone Who Has Heard This Music Really Be A Bad Person?", off her record Dreaming Of Revenge. I knew from just listening to that one song that I wanted that whole album. Not just that one song because what is the fun of just staying safe knowing one song when you can make an adventure into seeing all the sides of an artist. I rarely download music and I never try to download just one song from an artist. So since this was late at night which made the song very fitting to my mood I couldn't wait till morning to go to the local record store and pick up this album. Morning came and i was off to one of my favorite record stores on Ventura Blvd. between Woodman and Van Nuys. "Freakbeat Records". They always have awesome selections, rarities and cool indie bands at pretty reasonable prices and I like supporting local businesses. So when I got there I was really upset to see that they didn't carry that album. But they did have the brand new album "Junior" and a couple old ones. I found a used copy of "Everybody Loves You for 7 bucks and I had no idea about it but it's basically her playing crazy tapping acoustic guitar. Amazing deal too. So the only other place that sells records (but worst selection ever) near my neighborhood was Best Buy and there's no way I am going over the hill to Amoeba to get it cause I ain't got the gas. So of course Best Buy does not have it. So I had to resort to the thing I hate doing most...Buy it off iTunes because I just couldn't wait any longer. I needed it. Went home and downloaded it, burned it to a CD and cruised with it. It is my album of the year. I know it's an older album but still. This album struck a chord in me and gave me back my faith in music again. For awhile I was buying CDs like no other and not one of them sticked to me. So thank you Kaki King and I can't wait to see you perform live. What I've learned from listening to your music is just always do what you love and don't care what others may think of it. Just be honest to yourself and play what you want to play and everything will follow.

Also I love this song. I heard it in the movie Into the Wild which is one of my favorite movies and I didn't know it was Kaki King until I read about. Looks like I've liked her music for awhile but I didn't know it.

1 comment:

  1. Ever since you showed me this duo, I've been loving it, living it, listening too :) They are truly unique and perfect for a cloudy day, or long drive!
