Wednesday, September 15, 2010

For someone who doesn't read books

If you know me you know I rarely ever read books. I'm trying to get better at it. But once I heard Robert Rodriguez the film maker wrote a book titled "Rebel without a Crew". It's about how he made his first film and did everything himself, I just had to read it. I've always enjoyed his films and the fact that he is the director, steady cam operator, production designer, editor and film composer is just awesome. Out of necessity and no money he did everything himself and continues to do that even his budgets are in the millions of dollars. In his book he explains about how he made his first film "El Mariachi" for..... get ready ..... $7000 dollars. Go see the movie it doesn't look like it was made for that much but more. The story on how he got it done is so inspiring. To raise the money he ended up going off to a medical center to become a lab rat for a month for $2000 and in that month he wrote the script, plan the shots and made friends with a guy who became the main bad guy. Well I can talk about the book all day but I suggest you read it yourself. Even if you don't like film making but are passionate about something and you always say you wanted to do it but haven't done it yet, go DO IT. Stop saying you are going to do it and just do it. And don't let not having money stop you from doing it. Be creative and always create. The great thing about what Robert Rodriguez explains is that he had no money so when he was filming he had to think of ways creatively to get the the shots he wanted. Anyways watch this video and you get the jist of what the book is about but pick up the book and read it. I swear that I could not put it down. I stayed up late hours until I finished it and now I'm inspired to follow my passions. I've always wanted to make films and do many other artsy projects. Now it's time to stop saying I'm going to do them and just DO IT!!!!

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