Sunday, September 12, 2010

Red Truck Fly Fishing Rods

I composed the music for this video. It was a lot of fun and a new challenge for me. The clients wanted something very mellow and almost country bluegrass like so I learned slide guitar. It was the first time I ever played slide guitar and now I'm hooked. It's so fun. I have another song that's very bluesy and uses a lot of slide guitar which will hopefully be out in another video coming soon. Until then please enjoy this vid by Red Truck Fly Fishing rods. I don't know much about fishing but I now want to learn how to fly fish. I feel that these kind of videos are the new way of advertising a brand instead of shoving a flashy video saying "This fishing rod is only $100, please order online." The video tells a story of an adventure a group of guys go on. Camping, grilling, fishing and being with nature. It's almost like a short documentary or movie and the fishing rods are the product placement. I wouldn't be surprised if I see more videos like this. Practically all the videos my music has ever been in use this kind of marketing which I find to be very creative. You're selling the product but your showing the lifestyle with great cinematography and very sparse dialogue. If you want to know more about this company please check out their website at

Take'r Easy


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